But why?

Starting a blog is something that has been on my mind for quite a long time. Probably about 2 years… perhaps longer. I guess it looks like it is finally happening!


Well, I love to document things, usually photographically, and share them with you! But I have always loved writing. Probably even before I was taking photos.

Again, you may ask why? Well, as I have said, I like writing almost as much as I like photographing. Blog posts can be a nice way to tell a story behind an image, or a set of images. Or just to share thoughts and experience.

What subjects can you expect me to write about? Anything and everything!

Well, that may be an exaggeration but I will probably document adventures I go on for landscape photography, some posts about gigs I shoot, gear I use, why I shoot certain things, and last but not least, (what I am probably most excited to write about) my journey / life / experience switching between stay at home dad and aspiring professional photographer!

So, as this seems to be my first blog post, I guess I'd better introduce myself. Some of this will already be in my “About Me” section, but hey.

My name is Nathan. I live in Brisbane, Australia and I am a dad, husband and photographer.

My wife is smarter (and much better looking) than I am, so she (unfortunately for her) works full-time while I mostly stay home trying my best to care for our amazing daughter.

Being a stay at home dad is sometimes a mixed bag of feelings, I am going to be honest. It is definitely the best part of my life. I am extremely lucky to be in a position to stay home with my child, as many dads are the full timers in their households. Even though I really wish my amazing wife could stay home more often.

Our daughter is (of course) the most beautiful little girl in the world. She is strong, happy and confident…. most of the time.

But being a stay home dad can be a tough thing. It goes against social norms and "the way things are supposed to be", and this in turn brings a lot of judgement from people outside of our close network. For the most part I couldn't care less about what other people think, but it is reality.

"Your wife must wear the pants in your relationship."

"Oh, how cute, you're on day care duties today."

"I bet you'll be glad when your wife gets home to take over."

"The man is supposed to be the provider in the household."

These are all things I have heard more than once over the last 18 months or so. Mostly by uninformed people who can't seem to grasp modern reality.

But, you know what? I don't care for their opinions. Yes, I change the majority of pooey nappies. Yes, I do most (but certainly not all!) of the cooking in our household, but does this make me less of a man, dad or husband? Not at all!

But the one thing that I sincerely want to achieve by furthering my photography career is to give my wife the opportunity to take a step back and spend more time at home with our precious girl.

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